"VagabondSouffle MOD
Oh, but I do believe that was a copy of one made by the user it refers to, so turning the tables on him. There shouldn't be text in the image description, and I saw the original later, checking."
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood, thought you meant the copy from this stream referring to that one, haha.
Yeah, that memer has made a bunch referring to other memers. He stopped posting their names in the tags, captions, titles or comments after we gave him flack about it and reported some for abuse.
He posts so many memes a day, many slip through unless you check constantly, so we may have missed some.
Most of his non-Kylie & porn memes come from meme comments. He submits them to his own streams with a link to mock the memer who he argued with and got butthurt by.
That's what truly irks me the most about him, being underhanded, sneaking like that, talking behind others' backs and patting himself on the back for it. Got an issue with someone, take it up with them, I always say, not hiding in a backroom and spitting like the coward he is.