No, there's nothing you could say to get me to support trump, because when I look at him I see a bully, liar, and cheat. I've known those kinds of people, I don't like or trust them, and he acts exactly like them. Every time he's said something I agree with, and he sometimes has, he's gone back on it or contradicted himself later.
I usually don't vote Democratic (only once for president in the last 30 years--Obama the first but not second time), but trump, from my obsevations, is evil. I do not use that word lightly. It's my assessment of his character based on what I've heard him say and seem him do, and I frankly don't understand how anyone of good will, left or right, could believe he's of good will. I find claims that he and Epstein raped a 13 year old girl and that he snorts Adderall credible, based on his character as I've observed it.
When he says he's accomplished something, I assume he's probably lying. I haven't given him the benefit of the doubt since he lied about his inaugural crowd size, and that goes for followers of his who claim the same kind of obvious lies.
As for undocumented immigrants, I neither believe taxpayers wallets should be opened for them, nor that children should be separated from their parents and put in cages. I judge the latter to be worse than the former, and yes, I do blame both the last president and the current one for it. I'd like to see the in adjoining cells.