OJ Trial: 11 months. Tons of testimony. Forensic reports. Actual evidence. And oh yeah, OJ himself even “testified” (that famous silent glove acting routine counts as testimony in my book — although supremely misleading and probably shouldn’t have been allowed)
The OJ trial didn’t produce justice at the end of the day, in the eyes of many and myself, but at least all the evidence got out and the process was sound.
That’s what a full and (mostly) fair trial looks like.
Now: Trump’s joke of a two-week impeachment “trial,” with no actual witness testimony, but a whole lot of bloviating and grandstanding from hired-gun lawyers Dershowitz and Starr and GOP Senators themselves?
And an unknown quantity of spuriously blocked docs under subpoena?
Yeah: not a trial worthy of the name.
The truth will out eventually though, it always does. Particularly in this leaky boat of an Administration filled with self-serving blabbermouths.