Trump’s ridiculously overbroad claims of executive privilege created this situation in the first place.
How the House chose to respond to that — battle it out in court, or proceed with filing the Articles — is a matter within its “sole discretion” under the Constitution, and there are good reasons for the sake of our country for wanting to proceed rather than letting it drag out another few months if possible.
The month-long “negotiation period” during which Pelosi held onto the articles and Republicans decried was certainly about this. But McConnell wouldn’t commit to anything.
Even so: The ball is now in the Senate’s court, and Trump’s own court, frankly. I just don’t know how Trump gets out of this without testifying himself or even letting any of his top officials testify. It’s just not a good look, at all, and sets a terrible precedent going forward as far as holding future presidential administrations accountable.