Your statement is based on a (possibly) flawed assumption. Of course, the statement I just made is based on an assumption. My assumption is that you're basing your opinion, which is again stated as fact... (when will you ever stop doing that?) by the vote count from the last election. If you're not, then it's polling based, right? (which any HRC supporter should have learned in 2016, means squat)
If my assumption is correct, your assumption is flawed for a couple of incredibly obvious reasons. First, a vote for HRC in 2016 does not = hating Trump. Not then, and certainly not necessarily now. Some votes, sure. Certainly not all votes.
Second, if you're using 2016 numbers, even you would have to admit that a lot has happened since then, and those numbers can't be considered current. I'm sure in your fantasy world you'd like to believe that more people "hate" Trump now than in 2016, but Clinton and Carville might disagree.
"It's the economy, stupid." -Bill Clinton & James Carville, 1992