All too often in the church and elsewhere, the Gospel as been reduced to such a level that they've becoe mere cliches, than the message that is meant to convey proper understanding, urgency, and godly sorrow. that is, in the Evangelical world. Outside of the said world are gospels that not.
The Gospels that are shared today are so short that it becomes like a casual invitation. It is short for a good reason as it is meant to be passed to passerbyers in a form of leaflets, cards, and tracts; but that is all that are taught to Christians. The two most common Gospel presentations are: The Four Laws, 5 Things God wants to Know, and the Romans Road.
In it's most simplest form, the Gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and so the said presentations have. However, without depth, it remains a shallow message almost flippant, and the sender is no better for that is all that s/he are taught.
While they are also taught the Bridge Illustration, an effective tool indeed and sin is properly defined (missing the mark, and serves as a debt and a wall), but again, nothing more than that. And the thing they all have in common is that God is hardly mentioned, only that He loves them.
God is not just the reason why Jesus is sent, but why sinners are condemned. Since the doctrine of Hell is so controversial, it is necessary for the hearers to know why sin is so to Him, why such a place exists, and why the punishment is eternal.
By detailing them only then will the Gospel have power; for only those who have godly sorrow, repents (2 Corinthians 7:10).
But the evangelical gospel has not them. The Four Laws only says God loves them, and the Romans Road and the Five Things contained only promises that God loves and forgives them, and offers salvation if they believe.
So, in effect, they're essentially a Gospel in name, only. And while it is harsh those Gospel presentations "False", if they're but labels and summaries, than are they it truly the Gospel message?