Look at the jobs report dumbass. You people never read anything but CNN headlines.
The market is in record territory....constantly. Yeah, it goes up and down. That's how it works idiot. Anyone not making money in their 401k has made some piss poor investment decisions. Any fund that does something as simple as following the DOW is up 60% since 2017; many are up more than that. Sorry your family falls into that "piss poor decision making" class.
When the market does good average people, even ones who aren't in it, benefit. My company is making more profits, therefore, contributing more to growth investment (20% in two years), Retirement contributions, year end bonuses, raises, etc etc. The entire civil engineering and infrastructure industry is growing like crazy, so my company is not on an island here. Just peruse through the report. It backs everything up. Many of the new hires are those average people you think can't help themselves.
Yeah, my company got a tax break. They used it to hire, and grow, same as the other companies. Many had to buy back stock options they sold under Obama, and are a little slow getting back into the growth curve, but this year has been good for that too.