Not what I said.
Memers will know about the memes I make about them, because I post them directly in the comments of the memes they themselves created. If they check their comments, then they will see my memes. Same as anyone else who posts reacc memes — which is pretty much everyone. That’s why there’s a feature to make memes as comments. You do it, I do it, everyone does it.
The only thing I do differently is I (sometimes) put these memes into a stream which I created to keep my political content organized because of the two-meme-per-day submission limit in “politics.”
Hey! Aside to anyone reading this who doesn’t understand the context? I’m talking about this stream.
Hardly anyone comes around that stream, but when they do I do I chat with them. As you well know.
And if they reply to my meme in their own thread, then I chat with them on their own comments. As you well know.
None of this violates ImgFlip TOS.