He also said Mexico would pay for a wall, he grabbed women's pussies for fun, water is wet, Melania wouldn't cry if he died, he's a stable genius and he wants to date his daughter. The economy is trashed unless you're investing, deficit has skyrocketed and he took money away from hungry American kids, disabled and elderly so he could spend $116 million playing golf.
You are a walking talking propaganda pushin Trumpublican and have nothing credible to add to any conversation. You don't even have your own opinion.
He's already been impeached. Do try and keep up. And don't say that Trumpublican bullshit about he's not impeached until the Senate has a trial. Do some research instead of following morons blindly so you'll actually know what's really going on long before Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson tell you how and what to think.
If you weren't a troll you'd look at more than just anti trump memes. Debating with you is like watching a Jr high debate team debate yarn for hours on end. It's predictable, pointless and boring.