Donna Brazile and Debbie Schultz should both be in jail but instead, make TV appearances. They should be despised but no one seems to understand that.
Yes, of course Donna B gave Hillary the answers to questions. We know this.
I'm not arguing that the DNC isn't corrupt. It's a mess and I agree it's a mess! This is the greatest silent pin drop on the left there is!
I'm arguing that THIS was not the way to find out about it. Through leaked information planned to disrupt an election. This is not good regardless of party, left or right and all of us should see this.
Julian Assange and wikileaks is considered a political arm of the Russia. It doesn't really matter how he got the information.
"The Nation" The article you sent states: "As part of the editing process, however, we should have made certain that several of the article’s conclusions were presented as possibilities, not as certainties."
"We have also learned since publication, from longtime VIPS member Thomas Drake, that there is a dispute among VIPS members themselves about the July 24 memo."
VIPS, a group made up of retired intelligence agents, did not agree on their findings. The Nation has no further proof than the findings of VIP. It's simply an alternative story, nothing more. It has no more proof than any other story. All intelligence agencies agree that the real culprit was Russia.
Your article is more than two years old. It's time to give it a rest.