When I hear accusations like that (even about a guy I despise) I wanna see some sources, as I didn't hear about that rape of a 13-years old. It's not that I like Trump (on the contrary), but I am a but allergic to unsourced accusations of sexual assaults (especially since I've seen people's life get ruined due to false accusations).
Of course in Clinton's case, all women who got sex with Clinton did as far as I could verify do so on their own free will, so that shouldn't be a matter of state, but a private issue. His relations with Epstein are true, but I've heard Trump had similar relations with Epstein, so if that should be held against Clinton it should also be held against Trump. And the matters Trump has lied about are (if the accusations are proven true, and up until now neither guilt nor innocence appear to be proven) indeed of the kind of level we can speak of actual crimes varying to business with criminals (fully aware of the criminal state of the business) to even downright treason and unwarranted political oppresison of another nation. So aside from that rape-13-years-old accusation, fact remains that the accusations of Trump are of a far more severe level...