I'm talking, "main talking points of both parties". Not down in the weeds of philosophical thinking.
Radical thought, like killing the minimum wage
Radical thought, like $1,000.00 to ever individual just for being alive
Here's a thought, if we increase the minimum wage to account for 35yrs of inflation, maybe we could reduce the size of gov through the reduction in welfare to the working poor?
Very simple, middle of the road solution to a problem people keep seeing in black in white when reality offers a solution in the middle that both should be happy with.
Increase minimum wage =
1. Reduction in government
2. A closer semblance to a true free market economy
3. People off gov assistance
4. True cost of living put onto the capitalist system and off a socialist supportive government
There are more positives for Republicans than Dems but Republicans are dead set against increases in the minimum wage. One needs to ask, "who is funding minimum wage stagnation?"