the main characters boss: UR FIRED.
*two minutes later on the phone with her sister*
the main character: *sipping wine* oMg I jUsT gOt FiReD
the main characters sister: *literally gushing the wine* oMg ItS gOiNg To AfFeCt ChRiStMaS!1!
*the main character goes on a road trip to a state that doesnt even exist*
*the main character meets a random mechanic*
the mechanic: yOu KnOw, YoU hAvE tO gO tO sHrLeGhFlEpHs DiNeR aNd TrY tHeIr EaGsLeGrOpEpH.
the main character: iM GoInG tO jUdGe YoU.
*skipped to dec. 23*
main character: i CaNt BeLiEvE yOu ArE nOt SuPpOrTiNg ThE mOsT rAnDoM cHrIsTmAs GaMeS!1!
mechanic: i CaNt BeLiEvE u SaId Im JuSt A nOrMaL mEcHaNiC!1!
*the next day*
main character: i LoVe U
mechanic: i LoVe U tOo
every hallmark christmas movie script ever made