She just gave this guy, that they pretend is a Russian asset - renewed domestic spying powers with the Patriot act, a $738 Billion NDAA - without any prohibitions on the Genocide in Yemen or a war with Iran. And she allowed him to stage a FASCIST coup in Bolivia...while still cheerleading for a doomed one, in Venezuela.
Oh, and with 1000s of GREAT reasons to impeach - she refused to move forward... But when he slow rolls the arming LITERAL NAZIS in the Ukraine (something that Obama refused to do - because it is provocative AF to a nuclear power, with whom we used to have decent relations), and asks for an investigation of some clearly shady dealing there, by a former administration's Intelligence apparatus, and VP... She blows a gasket - and mounts a doomed effort to impeach - on that one issue.
With enemies like that - Trump hardly needs all of the allies he's got.
She's the same "leader" who LOST the House to Paul Ryan. The one who refused to impeach Bush - for lying us in to Iraq, or torture (because she was part of both efforts). The only thing she seems to be good at - is helping the GOP, and the donor class, prevent any real progress from occurring.