I got a fairly unhostile meme rejected and I think it was because i did the same. Others have confirmed. Yet I've seen it pass. Just saying it would be safer to put it in a comment.
They are butthurt that Obama dared called out the far left's increasing insanity. Now, he's only doing it because he's clever enough to see they're moving too fast. Hell, Obama came in with an anti gay marriage stance when he was elected. I can't stand Obama but these dem nom's make him look good by comparison with their extremism.
obama was trying to calm the dnc down because of candidates like tulsi and yang being the favorites among young people due to being anti-establishment.
E-thotery intensifies. I had to stop after 3 mins. Is Tulsi anti-establishment? Anti-interventionist, yes, which I commend her for. But I think Obama sees the shift as damaging.
Reparations is the ultimate identity politics. Someone that never did anything paying money to people that never went through it. Wealth redistribution.
i wouldn't call it the "ultimate" identity politics. i disagree with tulsi on reparations, but whether or not she supports it, people are supporting her regardless of her identity.