What the left doesn't understand when they say health care is a right, is that they don't have the right to force others top do anything (thru goods and services), which nobody can deny is an absolute requirement of Medicare for All.
I was in Sweden and Norway recently on a tour, and I asked the guide if under the Nordic model, doctors, nurses, (health care workers) were considered govt employees, and the answer was yes. It had to be yes, because they would be forced to take a pay cut to work for others' "right" to healthcare otherwise the whole plan falls part (wait... I should have said, falls apart again.)
Of course on top of that, with the Nordic model, their govt taxes you around 55% and also taxes your employer 60% of your salary. So for every $100K that you EARN, the govt TAKES $115K. Quite the scam. At least their governments spend money wisely, unlike our govt, which spends money like a drunken sailor on shore leave.