"It seems that Mr. Vindman is now on his way to join the pantheon of heroic prog-martyrs, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Christine Blasey Ford, Jussie Smollett, and others.
Let me respond with this prepared, prog-off statement:
As another immigrant from Soviet Ukraine: Vindman, you're a windbag. I shouldn't even call you a fellow immigrant. You were brought to the US by your dad with a cushy refugee status and government assistance, living among welfare sponges on Brighton Beach. You didn't know the hardships of living in the USSR, you didn't make a conscious decision to move here, and you never struggled to feed a family as an immigrant, left to your own devices, like I have. Your sanctimonious, manipulative drivel about being an "immigrant" made me sick to my stomach.
Let me yield the floor to Tim Kennedy, UFC Fighter, Ranger, sniper, and Special Forces Operator:
Correcting a civilian about how to be addressed is a sure way to make everyone in the military think you are a douche bag.
Whatever good your service may have done to this nation in the past, is now being negated tenfold by the harm you're doing by participating in a coup against the duly elected president, by undermining his foreign policy, and by appearing before the cameras to read the scripts written for you by treacherous, power-hungry liars.
Lieutenant colonel, shmieutenat scmolonel."