You're actually tallying point count over me on img as proof of your ability? That is some pathetically funny shit. Maybe you should post your points on your cv. See how far that propels you toward world recognition and the office of The Verb Usage Police Academy.
Just how much power do you think this site is affording you? You must feel so powerful and TVUPA is watching your performance.
Process crimes like:
1. Lying to congress
2. Obstruction of justice
3. Witness tampering
4. Conspiracy to commit election fraud
5. Money laundering
6. Lying to investigators
These things may be just process crimes to you but they are REAL crimes to normal thinking Americans of average intelligence, whether they use the correct verb on Img or not. They are crimes due to well established rules of American law, to keep our nation operating and to rule out the exact type of corruption we're seeing today, to root out real corruption from conspiracy theory such as yours.
Epstein is nothing but a diversion. Considering he finalized his will two days before his death, likely means he killed himself. I couldn't care less if he did or the queen of England had him murdered. Andrew being her favorite grandson puts her at the top of any conspiracy theory.
If conspiracy theorist such as you actually cared about the deep state and who's creating false narrative, you would find most of your stories align with sites such as Sputnik News, a Kremlin based propaganda site hell bent on destroying America. I know how many with your exact narrative gather, strategize and flood sites to cloud judgement and facts. I don't care if you're from the radical right or kgb but, know what you're doing is actually hurting our country and dividing America. Truth from conspiracy theory such as the Epstein case will never be solved. There is no point bringing it up other than to cloud facts, cloud real crimes, divert attention from the negative that you choose to sweep under the rug.