The hypocrisy and double-standards of the Left are truly awe-inspiring things to witness. I love the blanket statement that even the mere mention of the Ice Queen, the wretched twice failed Democrat presidential hopeful, is enough to dismiss someone’s entire argument. What a childish notion. “Lost the debate”? The Left DOESN’T “debate” anymore. They’ve found that simply dictating is a quicker more effective means to advancing their agenda. If you disagree, it’s simple, you’re a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, islamaphobe, deplorable. Have a differing opinion on our “policies”? Well, you’re a terrible person and you’ll be castigated by the complicit propaganda arm of “the party” aka, the press. Debate….pffft, please. They’re nothing but obstructionists. Whiny holier-than-thou elitists, the self-proclaimed “resistance”.
We’re not sure what the awesome platform of the Left is anymore, they don’t do much of anything because they’re the “resistance”. What DO they stand for anyhow? Seems to the rest of us that it’s…
• Cramming sexuality down pre-pubescent children’s throats. Instead of, what do you want to be when you grow up? We now have...Suzie, I know you’re only 7, but have you considered changing your gender yet? No? Well lets go sit and have a frickin’ story about it read to you by a drag queen decked out in full garb and see what you think about it, sound good? Here, take these pills, they’ll help ‘fix’ you. After all, gender is only a ‘social construct’.
• Steering the USA towards the cliff of Socialism that bottoms out in the abyss of Communism.
• Using fear of a fake man-made climate crisis to institute absurd policies that do nothing more than devastate the US economy. Stop scaring our children sick-o’s, they’re impressionable and they’ve got enough to worry about without your drummed up, garbage apocalypse story.
• Abolishing the sovereignty of our nation.
• Driving the wedge of identity between the people. So many victim pools to choose from, have you found yours yet? Good we knew you would! Now, don’t forget to vote DEM, because we are here to ‘protect’ you from the oppression of the evil white males!
• Unlimited taxpayer funded abortions.
• Vilifying wealth, religion, capitalism and American exceptionalism. In their minds, America "was never great".