A Palringo set up got the crickets, logging back n forth between sites to whine being more hassle than results.
So this stream was set up for Alt Righties to congregate and coordinate anything from upvotes, downvotes, and plans of attack. It as supposed to be secret, but they found out the hard way that anyone can access it. Sheesh, he even posted the links on the the crybabies comments everywhere, so evn if it was secret, everyone would know, just like with Palringo and a 'secret' meme trying the same with a heavy focus on me.
Anyways, planning attacks on dreaded monsters like myself on public streams gets the gun totin' snowflakes a tad bashful (that damned shrinkage!) so the attack aspect went the way of the Palringo channel, and it then went from the original Politics Two to the watered down, um, WHAT IS the purpose of this once testes enlarging meme stream?