"It’s getting harder and harder to take Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seriously. She may be extremely popular on social media to radical progressives, keyboard social justice warriors, and left-wing bot accounts, but she’s losing her edge when it comes to promoting extreme ideas. Other radicals have been stealing her thunder, so her natural response is one of the most predictable we’ve seen in DC in recent years. She doubled down on crazy ideas.
Her latest scheme was to attempt to make a logical argument for “abolishing prisons” by highlighting anecdotal incidents that represent a tiny portion of the prison population. Then, she went further to essentially say she’s owning the conservatives by getting them talking about her crazy ideas. This is not a serious person, let alone a serious politician. That’s not to say she’s not good at politics; her Justice Democrats handlers have coached her well. But she’s letting her ego get the best of her as she promotes ideas that even many radicals will deem incoherent at best." (noqreport)