Do not worry if you are liked or wanted on a social media site. The answer should obvious when people respond without malice or judgement.
Do not worry about being liked or wanted in person. You need to just be comfortable with yourself. Friendship happens sometimes in spite of what you might think are overwhelming differences.
Some of my friends do not share my political views, others don’t share my hobbies or taste in music. But friendship comes from enjoying being around those persons even if all you do is argue with each other.
Now I know several people I really do not care for, but I’m polite to them. Only I rarely share humor with them. Humor more than anything brings people together. I look for Timiddeer, Thparky, Giveuahint and others because I enjoy their sense of humor. So here you are on a humor site. My advice? Live a little a post what amuses you. Being depressing on a humor site may gain you sympathy, but that will only go so far.
So don’t worry what we think of you and post what makes you smile or laugh and while not everyone will laugh with you every time ( some of my jokes bomb badly) you may just find that kindred soul you might be looking for.
And when it comes to joke, pretty much somewhere here you will find a group that shares your sense of humor. So let it out.