This is a tough one that I do not know the final answer to so anyone feel free to finish my paragraph if you know.
I know that the majority of LGBT couples who adopt are usually lesbian couples. No matter the couples' makeup, they automatically alienate the child from at least one biological parent if not two. Also, the fact that the father is guaranteed to be one of the missing element in the lesbian scenario is incredibly detrimental to the child's health. Are there kids that make it out fine? Sure. But statistically, it is more of the exception, not the rule. So my gut feeling would be to say no.
Then I remember the story of a person going to an orphanage (in India, I believe) to try to adopt and all the infants were incredibly quiet. They shared how impressed they were that the staff were able to keep all the kids so well behaved. The staff soon corrected them through the translator: "they are quiet because they have already learned that nobody will come for them." This made me beyond sad and depressed for a while. I seriously pondered if there was someway to adopt all those infants.
Which leaves me to my final dilemma. Which is actually worse? The child who never knew parental love at all, or the child that will learn parental love without an important component? We have statistics of fatherless and motherless homes, but not really, never parents homes. Well, at least I never seen them myself. Till I learn this, I am going to have to say a soft no.