On top of that, these disrespectful arrogant windbags offer no solutions. Listen to the scientists? Ok, then, um, what?
They've done various studies which show people who do these things - speeches, rallies, post things on social media... usually don't do anything more. They think they've done they're bit for the cause already by waving a sign.
Activists, particulary of the - yes- liberal sort tend to be plagued by this. Ask any of them here not if there is a crisis, but WHAT are THEY doing about it? Bust them on that, works every time.
That was one of the 2 issues Gylbert was arguing about with me. I kept asking what has Greta suggested to do, and he said she's inspired many. Um? I aksed what did he do, and he finally told me that for - I swear - reasons of anonymity he couldn't tell me. Like he's Herr Direktidor of the brand new Vwindmill Farmeshtat in Daurditanhausenbergenzen.
Bunch of fakers, sheesh.