yea ok... despite a decade plus, no on has fought the "ideology".... you know like they failed to stop the right wing us/vs them mentality of the 30's on
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So, only one side plays that mentality card?
We should have never been there to begin with, but if we go, we go in full force, not some war played out for the Hollywood crowd, where they do t want to see any collateral damage.
First off, dont get me started, second off I am guessing you were not alive for 9/11. I was. My inititial instincts (which are usually right) was to turn Afghanistan into the 51st state ... Peuarto Rico of the Middle East at the very least..... then came Iraq... What the actual f**k? Bin Laden still at large and Afghanistan still a cauldron.... so anyway good luck... you have someone not even half as smart as Bush Jr. in charge... and Bush Jr. was a freaking idiot.
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There are so many errors in your post that I don’t even know where to begin.
Yes Bush jr is an idiot, just like trump and yet they are both twice as good as Oreo
Them new fangled Daisy Cutter bombs - the biggest blasters that aren't nukes - not ring any bells?
Course they don't.
They even blew caves into open pits, including the one Bin Laden hid out in Tora Bora, but not till AFTER he was allowed to sneak out over to Pakistan.