I have not lied,and you know I have not lied.
you are just grasping at anything to accuse or admonish.
what are your goals here?
what are you trying to achieve?
you haven't countered anything I have posted.
my original meme was a tongue in cheek ironic post,which was really only for those who were familiar with the ayn rand/church of satan connection.
when you attempted a virtue signal,and tried to chastise me for a previous conversation we had (which I have totally forgotten about btw) and shame me? I guess? still unclear where you were going with that one.
to which I replied,and apologized for any confusion,and explained the thinking behind my original meme (which totally kills the joke and the irony).
and you replied.
not in any human fashion,but with indignance,that you knew who rand,church of satan and nietzche were (why you dragged nietzche in here I have NO idea),and attempted to paint this as somehow having understanding of the underlying philosophy.which it is apparent you do not have any understanding of these philosophies,not even on a basic level.
because if you DID have the basic comprehension,the irony of my original meme would have been apparent.
this is obvious.
which is exactly what I was alluding to with my green jacket,joint smoker (who is comedian doug Stanhope,and is a cigarette,not a joint,not that this holds any relevance).
all of this went completely,and utterly,over your head.
and instead of doing the human and honorable thing of simply admitting ignorance to a particular subject.
you call me a liar.
based on....nothing.
or..to be more accurate..
based on YOUR own biases,prejudices and assumptions.
which considering your responses thus far,are extremely limited in scope.
is it entertaining?
yes..yes it is.
but it also kind of...sad.
so I don't really understand what you are trying to achieve here.
saving face?
I don't know,but you are coming across pretty silly.
we all have our blind spots,and are ignorant on one thing or another,but to defend that ignorance and pretend it is intelligent is inexcusable.
you sir,have no ides what you are talking about.