You've turned over so many leaves that is would make a clothes dryer with super collider enhancement fueled by crack jealous.
The DJFox way to debate:
1. Hop in trying to act smug in the cringiest way possible about something you have no clue about.
2. Start an ultra lame flame war when you realize you're totally out of your element and have used your copied Shrek Cringe Collection meme so many times on that one thread that you even made youreself ill.
3. Run for help.
4. Beg for help if whomever doesn't step in soon enough.
5. Step out to another meme and let them fight your lame fart of a flame war for you.
As of June 2019:
6. If they don't come to your rescue, you cajole, threaten to embarrass them, then do so all the while claiming to be the victim of your own petty and vindictive actions.
7. Post meme(s) praising your awesome sad victimhood.
8. Go missing for a week to recover from the mental harm inflicted upon you.
9. Return invigorated and pester whomever some more.
10. Go away for yet another week or three after they remind you why you begged them to fight for your wimpy ass in the first place.