If you think anything in the meme was meant to be true, you're missing the point entirely.
White males committing mass shootings is slightly lower to their percentage in the population. At least in some of the listings of mass shootings. The FBI does not have an official definition of what is a mass shooting so some biased places pick their own sources.
Sydney, you should really find an alternative source. Mediabiasedfactcheck lists Frontpage as, "extreme" right leaning and a questionable source. Same goes with allsides, SPLC, Sourcewatch, and a bunch of others. The numbers listed on Frontpage, prove the point. It's more like 58% white males, not 29%. Nowhere else will you find 51% of mass shootings perpetrated by black men. The real number is more like 19% so Frontpage was only off by a little more than 250%. The source is obviously biased. It looks like they were picking felony numbers based on gang activity? What people consider mass shootings is defined as a "motive of indiscriminate, random killing carried out on the public". So, you posted a lie or at best, a skewed number to make for more heated race wars. That doesn't help anyone or solve any problems.