But first, let me say a few things before the war begins:
- Don't post any studies or scholars, doctors or academics saying this and that regarding vaccines. The studies and doctors' opinions greatly differ, with some saying, for example, that there's a definite connection betwwen vaccines and autism, and others saying there's no connection at all, so you can't be certain about these things.
- Don't post personal, your friends', your relatives' or some else's experiences with vaccines, unless you're able to prove what you claim. I do not imply your dishonesty, but don't forget the fudamental rule: "Don't trust everything your read on the internet".
- This is a discussion about vaccines purely. Doctors, other pharmaceuticals, the medical industry as a whole and alternative medicine are completely unrelated. And while I agree that, for example, proving that the entire medical industry is corrupt or that alternative medicine is much more effective that modern medicine does a lot of damage to the pro-vaccine arguments, it's still irrelevant because our topic here are vaccines in and of themselves and not anything else.
- I am what you may call an anti-vaxxer. Still, I will try to be as objective as possible and carefully consider both sides of the argument. Of course, I make no guarantee that will actually happen. After all, we are all slaves to our biases and subjectivity.
- Even if a literal lunatic joins the thread, their arguments should not be dismissed just because the person is a lunatic. A lunatic is not wrong when they say 2+2=4 just because of their lunacy. Attack arguments, not persons.