Oh look... A right-wing idiot - who is easily manipulated by a Heritage Foundation/Federalist Society stooge... And who thinks of USA TODAY - as a good place for getting one's opinions verified. Ok... https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/11/09/fix-electoral-college-prevent-future-trumps-adopt-runoff-voting-edward-foley-column/839492001/
The Senate gives equal voice to each State - so barring a measure to change that - the doom-and-gloom prediction of 'mob rule', and serfdom for rural dwellers, is unlikely in any event. But what I see here is endorsement of the tyrrany of the minority.
Even without the EC - we would still have the primaries in every State. Iowa and New Hampshire still maintain their advantageous positioning there.
Our electoral system has real issues - not the least of which is the very real question of vote theft - using closed-source 'proprietary' software, in both electronic voting machines, and the tabulators. There are "fractional" vote counting schemes in many - which leads to the ability to shave votes and flip elections. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seems to have been an obvious beneficiary - in multiple elections vs. Tim Canova.
I can see by your username, the kind of manichean thinking and simplistic reductivist narrative that drives you. But there are more than two parties. I'm to the left of most "(neo)liberals". And I don't suffer from any kind of retardation.