"were" as in past tense. Jeff knew thousands of prominent Democrats and thats when he knew Trump when he was a Democrat. In Fact Trump is the only Democrat from back then to tell Jeff to gfys for trying to bring underage girls in his resort.. They have been enemies ever since. The Dems (Schumer and Vance jr) are the ones who blasted Acosta for "Going to hard on jeff" in the first trial.
It was the DNC, Schumer, Clintons who Jeff Donated thousands of dollars too.
It was Prominent Democrats who Jeff started accusing of wrong doing THE DAY B4 HE was killed.
It was Clinton who visited Lolita island 27 times and many more times under alias names.
It was members of the British Royal family and Hollywood ppl who visited Lolita island more than Clinton did.(Maybe they went there to talk about their grand kids on the tarmac)?
Trump was never there. Both Trump and epstein have thousands of pics with thousands of other well known ppl.
There are more pics of Trump with Rossa Parks than Jeff, does that make Trump a civil rights hero too?
btw, Jeff Died in NYC. who runs NYC? who has pull in NYC? Hint, there isnt even a GOP dog catcher there.