Oh, I hope we're not going to war! Just want to preserve our Constitution (seems like it's not being preserved via education), including my right to protect myself, especially because of my past. I truly pray for PEACE, LOVE, & HAPPINESS 4 ALL!
Hey, check it out... I made a new one = ) ALL INCLUSIVE (even though it's geographically inaccurate, we get the idea ; )) I wanted a USA flag map, but this will settle. Adapt and overcome!
LOL!! I totally thought the same thing as I was making it, but I didn't find any USA maps with Alaska & Hawaii. Those two states got screwed in the map department. Worse yet, my father is an Alaskan! Boo on me = ( It wasn't intentional, I swear!! Until I can find a meme that includes them, AK and HI are there in spirit = ) Two of the most BEAUTIFUL states!!!