Typical trumptard.
He wants to f**k a black person so that makes him non racist?
Sadly this is the normal mental capacity of you ignorant proud trumpers.
melted snowflake, Bha ha ha
True, I was Ignorant for my first 25 years voting as a registered Democrat , Then I started paying attention to the corruption, especially the Street Admin.
FBI concurs.
nope , Maybe this place doesn't suit you. You easily get upset and start name calling
not trying to be a dick (for this small moment in time) Just an observation
because you are one of those union workers who slacked and let everyone else do the work, you abused the union and brotherhood. real workers dont retire at 55, they go find another productive job.
You protect the scumbags that Killed the most american jobs ever (NAFTA Clinton)
You are anti american worker
when a guy tries to help us you bash him
all you have are prejudices and insults and too much time on your hands and too much "Damagedgoods" in your head..
Blah blah blah, diarrhea comes out of both your ends you little snowflake.
I guess those 100$ bills in my wallet are imaginary.. lol
isn't it time for your Prozac?
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0 ups, 5y,
3 replies
4 ups, 5y
hey man u are really unstable
or you might be a gop troll making us democrats look bad
i cant figure it out but if you really are a democrat please just stop
you are not helping
I'll tell you the cost when you grow up, You're too immature to ride.
7 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You are a very special needs child.
Name calling and profanity doesn't prove you are right. It proves you are a typical immature liberal who can't debate.
4 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Being a trumptard is a reason to go kill yourself and do us all a yuge favor
6 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Keep hating, It's all you have.
5 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Keep your head up your ass
6 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Pull your head out of yours, Crybaby.
4 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Wow your persistence is worthy of the hall of trumptard fame
6 ups, 5y
Your persistence of childish name calling is worthy of absolutely nothing.
No, I think you are a decent person, yet misguided. I think Trump pushed you over the edge. You're the type to attack someone merely wearing a red hat.
2 ups, 5y,
2 replies
Whatever Sydney
I so lowly value PROUD Trump voters opinion you should ask yourself why you are wasting time and effort trying to convince me that PROUD trump supporters are worthy.
They are incapable of logic and easily mislead by this narcissist racist pos human being that is playing them for his and only his gain.
I criticise Trump when I think it's necessary. People still respect the office of the president. If Trump was an abject failure, I'd get it, but regardless of valid criticism, he's done some good things.
You know I'm surely no Trump fan, my distaste for him going back to when we first started hearing of him in NYC in the way back when (he lost by 89% here for a reason). And while Trumpites mystify me and I've clonked heads with many here, it does come across like you're being just purely angry to the extent that it's obscuring your message.
I would seem to be the last who should talk, but my rants are ridiculously exaggerated by design, having a large degree of (albeit asinine) humor twisted in them. Some get it, but some don't, thinking I'm only unhinged and full of vitriol.
It's not just appearance that gets me here, I'm concerned you may be letting your anger get the better of you. That will eat you from the inside and burn you out.
As preposterous as some positions may seem, people are entitled to them, and personalized attacks are not going to convince them otherwise.
Nothing will change here, having some discussion and fun with that is the most we can hope for.
I have always valued your opinions and even asked about your whereabouts when you went missing some months ago (sorry I didn't get to reply to your reply, I've got a ton that keep getting buried).
I hope all is well with you and hope you don't let this have ill effects on you.
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0 ups, 5y
4 ups, 5y
You're right our compassion is fake, But your mental state is a real concern, And I know your Obamacare doesn't cover mental illness.
Why can't you trumptards stay off my memes. I was hiding in my safe space hating Orangemanbad, And you Trumptards had to hurt my feels with your stupid facts.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Facts and trumptards. Hahahahhahhahahah
6 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You haven't listed one fact, You're a 55 year old child using the word trumptards as facts. Pathetic.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Your intelligence and reading comprehension is severely limited.
Which explains why you love 45
6 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You're severely limited intelligence wasn't aided by your extremely childish comments, Which explains why you're a leftist.
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1 up, 5y,
1 reply
6 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Ya, You're a realist, Disguised as a child throwing temper tantrum. You sure fooled nobody.
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1 up, 5y,
1 reply
6 ups, 5y
You have nothing but childish name calling, You must be such a joy to be around.
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0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
4 ups, 5y
Limp off your own awful Meme, damaged, As you Insult everyone who disagreed with you.
It's been hilarious watching a Ignorant, Demented, Senile old man with no life throw a childish temper tantrum.
I don't see how you're going to survive the 2020 election. It's probably best if you don't.
I dont have a maga hat, I have a hardhat , rules and all, you should know that.
We do have a Trump 2016 banner in the local, we need to get a new one tho since you care so much.
I hope he wears his Maga hat at the next union meeting, So you can show all the union members how mentally unstable and how childish you are.
You'll probably cower in your safe space wishing you had balls.
Nope, we are ALL WORKING tho, thanks to Trump !
You should know its all about putting guys to work.
If he did something to cause us to be out of work, we would be hating on him
But for almost 3 yrs he has been good to us,
Its very simple to understand
"No matter what you do, it's not enough that I can't call you racist"
Seriously DG, f**k right off. You don't know Red enough to make a claim like that. Take your media matters 'all Trump supporters are racist', roll it up and insert it in your ass, you bitch.
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1 up, 5y,
2 replies
5 ups, 5y
Every comment you've made on this Meme proves you're an immature crybaby, An unhinged leftist throwing a childish temper tantrum. You're an ignorant 55 year+ child with nothing but hate. Typical Trump hater
Oh my feelings are hurt, a demented, prejudice person with mental illness
said things...
Hint,Try to be more like Octavia, We Differ on some issues But Oct usually treats ppl with respect and is more likely to get a person to at least see things from his perspective.
Octavia doesn't have shit fit every 5 mins either.. just sayin
Ohhh, Im gunna go on strike now.. freeloader.
I hope to god nobody is living in any buildings you worked on.
one good breeze and it will crumble like a house of cards..
Proud I voted Trump? No, I am Glad I did (Now)
I was like "Holy shit" on election day but he did much better than I expected.
Everyone was tired of sitting around the local wondering where the next job was coming from, now thanks to Trump we are in great shape, in fact best time period of our 119 yrs..
Just calling it like I see it.
You see we agreed a long time ago not to comment on each other's memes. I upheld my promise.
He is a f**king union scab.
6 ups, 5y,
2 replies
How can you see anything when you're blinded by hate? You hate President Trump, You hate 63 million+ Trump supporters, You hate RedBarron, You hate anyone who comments on your awful Meme that disagrees with you.
Hate is all you have.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You can't see anything because of your love for the pos 45.
Ignorance is all you have. In spades
5 ups, 5y,
1 reply
I couldn't vote in 2016 due to an out of state address change.
You're a typical ignorant leftist with nothing but childish insults, You have it in spades.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Do yourself a yuge favor and stop replying to my childishness. Be the better person. Hahahahaha
6 ups, 5y
Oh, You mean stop pointing out what a child you are. Someone has to do it since your parents failed.
Keep pretending you're laughing, I know you're crying on the inside.
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0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
4 ups, 5y,
1 reply
You didn't have to spell anything out. Everyone knows you hate, The throbbing vein in your forehead, Your bulging eyes, The blank expression on your face as you throw your childish temper tantrum and scream Trumptard tells everyone.
Roll around on the ground kicking and screaming Trumptard as loud as you can. Trump is still your President, Your childish temper tantrum won't get him impeached and will get him re-elected in 2020
You dont seem to understand that b4 Trump, nobody had full hours, full year of work, now everybody does (who wants to)
alls you have are insults.Maybe go into another union , I am sure you cant continue in your old one (cost effectiveness depending on your years there)
You were a Carpenter? Try another Union, see how it is and you wont have time to be insulting ppl all the time and crying..What do u have to lose?
Lotsa $$$ to gain. just sayin
4 ups, 5y
You don't have the mental facilities beyond screaming Trumptard.