"The vehicle for conveying that substance is, truly, irrelevant." Nothing could be further from the truth than that statement. I had the luxury of listening to an interview with Rush Limbaugh, very early in his career His show was being picked up by KFI-AM in Los Angeles. In 1990 that was a very big deal. Because of my role as Western Regional Director for Public Affairs for the VA, I felt compelled to call in and correct something the left wing commentator, whose show was being pushed along with Rush's, said about Veterans. They both admitted that the language they used was designed to intimidate. Rush Limvbaugh went on to have a stellar career in entertainment-politics, while the left wing guy has more or less disappeared. Why?
In the book "The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives," Dana Carney uses a system designed to be similar to the Myers Briggs Assessment tool to establish common personality types of the majorities of these political groups. Not surprisingly, because a foundational principle of conservative thought is conformism, most conservatives tend to be introverted. Introverted people will "go along to get along," and are easily intimidated to do the bidding of blustery and threatening people. I believe that this is how radicals, not true conservatives, have hijacked almost an entire political movement. And, it is why few Republicans speak out against the demonstrably radical, not conservative, offerings of Donald Trump.
As I said, I was a government Regional Director for Public Affairs. That should tell you two things. The first, is that I know more than a little bit about the science and art of communication. The second is that I am probably an extrovert, in that I put myself out in public defending an organization that has been highly politicized since its inception, exposing it to more than its fair share of criticism. You practice a form of communication that is heavy on personal "insults, invective and pejorative. It is an accepted method of acting out in your peer group. And, it helps reinforce the intimidation of introverted conservatives. But, it conveys little to nothing of substance, concerning political policy or the perfomance of specific politicians or parties. And, using your inapt analogy of the language of Bronx, such insults only play well in homogenous groups. People in Manhattan reject it as crude and disgusting.