Donald Trump ― 666 Fifth Avenue Mark of the Beast, Born on a Blood Moon!
Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? What do the Prophets and Bible Codes Say?
Trump, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Chairman Mao, Berlusconi and Other Fascists
Is Donald J. Trump the Beast of Revelation? Why does the number 666 keep turning up ― over and over again ― where Trump and his family are concerned, as documented extensively on this page? When the Hebrew prophets spoke of a "little horn" and the "Trump of Doom" were they speaking literally? A trump is a little horn. Daniel 7:8 warns us about a "little horn" that speaks "boastfully" of "great things." Trump speaks boastfully of making America "great" again, while presenting a completely negative image of Christ. Has Trump deceived the very elect, just as the ancient prophets warned us the Antichrist would?
Even if Trump is not THE ANTICHRIST, he may be one of many antichrists: "Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, so now many Antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18)
The Bible clearly warns us that we will know we are in the last days by the appearance of many Antichrists. And who has ever been less like Jesus Christ than Donald Trump? Furthermore, his connections to the number 666 are numerous, startling and disturbing
lol - oh the sh*tstorm that is on the way for the whackjob