You know what this conversation would look and feel like if it were reversed? What if Obama was Trump's closest advisor? What were you saying when Obama said he wanted to meet with Kimmy? That's the difference between you and one always threw me....I stick to an ideal. You stick with a party. I know you think the same thing about me or democrats and liberals or whomever but I'm not them. I'm an independent. I've voted republican more than democrat and I've refused to vote because neither candidate was worth voting for.
I haven't liked Donald Trump since the 80's. I never watched his show. He's a pig. He's always been a pig and he will always be a pig. Look at the shell shocked people around him. He's like a Pathalogical Liar vortex that sucks people in, chews them up and then throws them under the bus. You can't tell me, honestly, that you'd risk everything you've done and worked for, your reputation and your family to go work directly with Donald Trump knowing the odds against you ... No matter who you are ... If you disagree with him about anything little thing.
Any other real republican could have done more than trump has done given the control republicans have over the Senate. Trump only pets his own ego. He doesn't care what's best for the people. He cares about his bottom line. Pick A N Y other republican to go at this with honor, respect and humility the office of the presidency of the United States of America demands and it wouldn't be turning our country into a laughing stock. Our president is in it for the photo ops and the pay off.