The average two bedroom apartment in the U.S. is $1,405 a month.
If that is 30% of your pay, you need to gross $4,683.
Working at $7.25, that's 646hrs.
646hrs is roughly 21.5hrs a day, working at minimum wage.
Half those at minimum wage, are over 24 and have a family.
No one is going to rent a, "room", for a family.
If someone is working full time in America, they should earn enough to live in a 2 bedroom apt.
If a couple rented an apt together, each would have to work near 11hrs a day at minimum wage to keep the average American 2 bedroom apt.
$45.00 mo. for unlimited talk and text. Only an idiot would pay more for their phone.
What do you care what other people drive for cars? Most poor that I ever rented to had small, two door cars with half a back seat. None, had a decent vehicle that I can remember.
It's funny you are so upset about someone who has to work 21.5hrs a day to afford a two bedroom apt. because they may be taking something from you if they get a raise. Because being against them means you support every WalMart in America being subsidized $750,000 from American taxpayers to pay their working poor enough to eat in subsidies.
No one can rent an apt., eat, own a car, on minimum wage. Forget all the other, "luxuries" you've mentioned. That's why the fed government keeps getting bigger as we subsidize businesses across the country and essentially, pay their employees enough so they can eat.
If you're against increasing the minimum wage, you're for increasing the government nanny state and against the free market economy.