Being able to promote a stream moderator to stream owner is fairly new, that function was just added to the stream settings page within the past week.
I've done that for two of my streams so far.
In the old days before October 2018 if a user deleted their account, any streams they created would remain intact but would become "orphaned". I think there are several existing streams like that today, with old content in them but no owner or moderators.
I'm not exactly sure how it works these days if a user who owned streams deleted their account when there are other existing stream moderators, whether one of the moderators or the first moderator in the list automatically becomes the stream owner.
Hope you're not considering deleting your account, if you were thinking about that the advice I always give to users is just go inactive. For me, I learned firsthand and learned the hard way that deleting my account won't keep me away from Imgflip.
I'm on my fourth account.
I have seen users who delete their account, only to come back down the road. Sometimes they say they have regrets about deleting, starting over can have some drawbacks.