"have you read the Qu'ran? Or did you just google it"
A mix of Both
"About his companions, a person can have friends or lovers from a group they're prejudiced against"
True, I suppose and after some research, I do have to coincide that Muhammad owned black slaves (Something I do also condem). I tried to find how he treated his slaves but couldn't really find any info on that. I did find however that theoretically the system of Slavery in place back then in the middle east was not targeting any race, culture or religon. Practically though, it was obvious Blacks were the most prominent slaves and Raciam against them also prevalent. Then again Colonists from Europe also used Religon to justify their enslavement of and discrimination against Africans, so using Religon as a justification is nothing new or confined to Islam
"You say you proved Muhammad didn't do the things I said he did right after you concede he had a child bride and that it was deplorable"
A bad phrasing of words, let me rephrase that
Most of what you claim, excluding the Slavery and Child Marriage part, he didn't do
"You also didn't show that Muhammad didn't do these things - at most he just verbally condemned "
You neither actually. You have quoted this Ibn Ishaq guy, who some modern Muslim scholars call a revisionist btw, Who then claims that the Prohet Muhammad suppoerted the actions of the people who raided and pillaged, when clearly he does not. As I understand Muslim scripture, Muhammad never actually wrote down anything himself, but all we find of his "direct" Quotes is actually just retelling, so there is a very real possibility that Ibn Ishaq might well be twisting Muhammad's words. Still, I can obly assume that Muhammad Condems, and he did, the followers who raided and pillaged.
"why did Muhammad allow his followers to carry out raids"
He didn't [...]
"still says that Muhammad started a war with Mecca instead of the Meccan ally who did the deed, and he didn't even try for a resolution that didn't involve war"
This might be a bit off topic, but Meccans, who have been from the beginning histile to Muslims and Muhammad, did issue this Ultimatum to the Madina leadership about Muhammad:
"You have given protection to our companion. We swear by Allah that you must fight him or exile him, or else we will come at you in full force. We will kill your fighting men and take your women.
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 3004" (Context, they say Allah, because its the Arabic wird for God)