My God this is so true! I have Republican friends who shudder in horror at hearing Trumps name.I feel terrible for them. I know the feeling;shame by association!🤡😳
I used to consider myself a Christian but now find myself ashamed to be associated with Evangelicals (even though I was baptized Episcopalian, NOT Born Again)-they've been SO obnoxious with their hideous campaigns for Trump as they continue to ignore every Holy Commandment he breaks that I feel,as many other Christians do,that it's embarrassing to be tarred with the same brush. The odious Putin connection was obvious even before the Mueller report.The churches that campaign for political candidates should lose tax exempt status, since they're acting as a PAC.Tax them like one!
There's a reason our country's founding fathers wanted a separation of church & state! The lessons of the Inquisition were not lost on them. They were educated men.