ONLY 2.8? Not an exact 3mill? You sure delegitimized that Trump loss by shrinking that lead a notch.
Shucks, guess your fap gal fantasy lost at 48.3 to his 46.2 because you whipped some fake number out of the extra widened gulf of your sizzling sphincter.
YOU cited 48%, you confounded blockead, how did Trump not have a higher percentage with your fake 7,000,000 more?
Oh, and then you just added that she beat him by 2,800,000 NOW, numbnuts.
Sorry to disappoint your sadly triggered snowflake self, but where did you get anything about me liking YOUR Bill Mach 2 when I didn't even vote for Bill Mach 1?
Bill Clinton, DNC speech, 1988, Google.
No one saw that snore fest and voted for him after. Ditto for his even less likable wife.