we approach politics from very different perspectives.
I tend to view political landscapes through the lens of vast historical swaths of information.
you appear,from my perspective,to view it from a very subjective lens.
both have validity,and purpose in order to generate understanding.
the reason why I stated the reasons for criminality,violence and addictions were long understood,is because they are:income inequality is the largest contributor to communities that suffer the greatest incidents of violence and drug addiction.
race has little to do with it,the numbers remain constant regardless of the communities racial quotient.
compare median income in communities which are relatively similar and you will see a precipitous drop in all criminal factors.compare relative poverty being adjacent to relative wealth,and the numbers skyrocket.this has been applied globally,and the numbers remain consistent.
this was my basic premise.
I have no counterpoint to your own personal experience.
I have found you to be a decent,honest man.
I have no reason to doubt your experience.
in short:i believe you buddy,and I am sure you have reasonable and legitimate reasons to think the way that you do.
but yes,we need to sit down and talk with one another,and it absolutely is a two way street.i have lived in some pretty rough areas and never had an issue,because to get respect,you have to give it.