"My friend"?
Do you mean my "Old Boss"?
NOT friend hated him.. Was he a racist? no, Did he use the N word more than anyone I know, yup.
You missed the point completely, See original Meme, Klan hat? Check
Does the Klan allow "Jew lovers", Yamaka's or affection to Blacks, Hell no
So either Trump is a "Klan fail" or not one all together.. Period.
I know real racists, I know real Jew haters, I knew a real nazis.
I worked with an old "Proud Southern Democrat" along with my "Black southern baptist deacon" pal at a shop b4, The old cracker wouldn't even use the same facility as the deacon .
The Biggest Jew hater I knew was a Moroccan who owned two 7/11 stores in Delco pa, One in Upper darby Pa and 1 in Ardmore pa. He sounded like Hitler, when a known Jewish person came into the store, he would let the teller handle the money if one came in line. He would NEVER kiss a jew.
A kid I grew up with, his grandmother was a real nazis, fled Germany after the war at abt age 15. It was Jew this and Jew that, she would never even shake the hand of a jewish person, would never use a jewish dr.etc.let alone kiss one or have Jewish kids/grandkids
Thats the way america has become, You cant legitimately criticize anyone if they are of different race sex etc without being called a racist.
Did you watch "The apprentice" Trump was an asshole to everyone equally. (from the lil i saw).
again, if he is a racist, he is doing a bad job of it..