Mueller might very well have been forced to do exactly that! We know that Trump contacted at least 11 different officials to try to get the Mueller investigation slagged . It certainly seems that pressures were indeed bought to bear, much as Trumps friend Jeffrey Epstein was given a sweetheart deal that violated the Victims Rights Act by Alexander Acosta, who was later rewarded w/ a plum position as Trump's Secretary of Labor(which I'm sure Trump found endlessly amusing,since Acosta GOT his position by letting a perv who pimped kids escape justice!)
But when your co-defendant is the President sElect,sweetheart deals abound.
Even if Mueller wasn't vulnerable to blackmail via Epsteins tapes,or Putin's extensive files,he surely has family & friends Trumps buddies might have threatened.
These guys don't back down from threatening children,dogs,anything a man might want to protect. They are vile excuses for humanity. We know that several of Trumps victims had their lives & their families lives threatened. Trump is not a patriot, nor is he a hero.
Hes a cowardly bully.
But people are so enamored of celebrities & wealth that they see only what they want to see.