Those indictments did not occur in a vacuum.There was indeed Russian money laundering & as well as the use of illegally obtained information by Trumps campaign manager & security advisor,& their assistants.
If they were so innocent,why lie to investigators, why REFUSE to release financial records ??
Why did Trump contact at least 11 different officials to demand that the investigation be shut down?
Trump fired 2 FBI directors for refusing to implicate Hillary Clinton in the Russian collusion-when all the evidence kept coming right back to Trumps friends in HIS campaign!
Nor are we ever going to accept a report that they have censored. They released the Ken Star report in all of its pornographic glory-why is the Mueller report censored?
Could it be that,the details are limited by those who fear it might destroy the GOP gravy train that Trump has awarded ? He knows that he can get away with destroying America-as long as the money keeps his partners in crime happy!