hmmmm…./taps fingers
up until the late 60's people didn't use the generic term "christian".
they identified as catholic,methodist,lutheran,nazerene what have you.
now we could go all the way back to the reformation to make the point that "Christians" can be a contentious and aggressive lot.they fought amongst each other almost constantly.
now I don;t want to go too much into chritian history,let's just say there was a lot of manipulation,power plays and politics in the very heirachical churches.
with the adoption of the more universal "Christian" thinsg did settle down some,and that was a good thing.
the bad thing is that now people could identify as a christian and that would be it.
which opened the doors for the grifters,the charlatans,the exploiters.
we saw old ladies being taken for every last red cent.
we saw people drink poison as a community,women and children.
we saw one of the oldest churches spend billions to cover up their own shame in buggering little boys.
we saw televangelists declare politcians chosen by god himself.
we saw the rise in fundamentalism,(which is a fairly new phenomenon) take hold,where some people read the bible as the unerring word of god and used it to excuse their bigotry and hatred.
we saw giant,monolithic mega churches rise and preach the abomination "the properity gospel" to make rich and well-off folks feel good about being c**ts.
and when we asked a "Christian" why this could be so? how could these be the teachings of Christ?
they defended those Christians,because those Christians identified as the same tribe.
I know many good,and faithful Christians,who live the word of jesus Christ.
<--points to his family.(among many many others).
but until those Christians like my family stand up,and denounce the grifters,the charlatans,and strip that mega c**t joel olsteen of all his ill-begotten gains.
Christians are going to have a really bad time.
I run a food bank with my brother,who is the only fundamentalist Lutheran I know,but he is a dman good man.
I also volunteer at a catholic thrift shop,with the sweetest and nocest catholics you could ever meet.
so there are great Christians out there.
and that's the only advice I really have to offer you.
you be you boo,and live the word how you see it,let your actions speak for you.
just understand why Christianity gets the flack it does.
because their are people who do not live the word.
they exploit it.