"Dude, FGM is happening in places like Minnesota and Michigan, where the courts have BACKED it. It's the same way that women are forced to wear niqabs in the burning sun in some countries, to punish them for being women, imo."
Can't say I aprove of it. As a matter if fact I disapprove of it.
"when it undergoes the trauma of having skin from his p**is cut off without any painkillers a few days after birth?" Doctors say that Babies don't really register the pain of circumcision, because the nerves in that area have yet to actually grow. Atleast that is what I heard.
"You also lose many nerve endings which no doubt affects you during sex"
Actually, my Muslim friend, lets say he has some vices, and can attest to the fact that he suffers from no problems during sexual intercourse. *Cough*