Day 36, and I feel like a prophet crying out in the wilderness. I’ve desperately been trying to get this message out yet it appears blunted by the time it reaches people’s ears.
My hope is already a bit low believing it more likely than not our actions are leading us to an early extinction and most certainly a diminishment in quality of life. But this, if my assessment is correct, will remove even what’s left of our freedom of thought. And by this I don’t mean your ability to pick your favorite flavor of ice cream, they don’t care about that, but the political/economic broad strokes that allow themselves to ever remain and grow in power.
What’s the point of even obtaining a full on #Digital_Direct_Democracy if our thoughts can be manipulated enough to change the way we vote? We could have a Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Republic, Direct Democracy, etc. It all wouldn’t matter. We’d be controlled just the same.
#Artificial_Intelligence is predicted by 2029 to be as intelligent as a human being. And never mind the fact robotics technology is moving at an break neck pace and already can do incredible things. What #AI will be able to do online as people’s attention further moves in this direction is frightening.
AIs will be able to mimic human profiles imperceptible from real humans. And eventually they be able to create more AIs working day and night however they were programmed.
Don’t get me wrong, AIs could do us a world of good. It all depends on who develops and ultimately controls them.
Long story short, if we don’t take care of the ills of our economic system it will soon enough get the better of us, more so than it already is. Freedom of thought is sacred; and being manipulated in mass by unsavory Interests is unacceptable. So if we don’t want to lose what makes us special, the ability to be aware that we are aware and free thinking beings, we better get on this, for whoever controls this technology will control the fate of humanity, however short and unpleasant as that may be, if we indeed fail to act.