Yeah, but free speech is what makes us great. Our government has been growing steadily bigger like other first world countries, but we arent just any, we are America. Now our form of govt is what everybody mimics. The creation of the US has without a doubt changed the way the world works in a super positive way. Big govt being anti American is true to a point. Even the constitution was seen as big govt. Federal powers have kept increasing, but term limits and voting is whats kept us very free.
Original America was with minimal govt influence, but honestly, expanding our govt while keeping it democratic is one of the reasons we became so powerful. Masses always want more, and if they cant get it for themselves, its government time! America has avoided that for a time, but if we become more socialist, I really dont know. Europe is bigger govt, but it is on deaths door. Europe is already irrelevant and hardly world power. I really pray that the US's time in power isnt over, it would be a pitifully short reign in the scope of history. Something needs to be done to revitalize that. I think the standard of living for the lower middle class was too high to sustain, but I hope our pathways up arent harmed by globalization and automation as well as other things.
That was just my long rant xD