but to add a dash of hope.
notice all the grassroots movements?
and this is across the globe.
people are beginning to push back,and the American media has all but censored all of it,but they are happening,in real time.
and an even bigger boost for hope,is how many young people in their 20's are the one's creating coaltions,and political grassroots lobbying groups.
as I have gotten older,the biggest battle I seem to be fighting is cynicism,but watching those kids go up against power,authority and a militarized police.
how can I not be overcome with hope,and pride?
I was too busy smoking weed and chasing girls in my 20's.
these kids are far more cognizant of our situation than I ever was at their age.
and,let's be real here,it is going to be their generation that has to fix the f**ked up mess we handed them.
baby boomers are some selfish c**ts when you get right down to it.